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Posted on July 7th 2014
Harris Primary Academy Philip Lane Ofsted
Following an inspection earlier this month, Ofsted has rated Harris Primary Academy Philip Lane as a ‘Good’ school with ‘Outstanding’ leadership and management.
This is the first inspection since the Academy opened in September 2012, replacing a school in Special Measures. Click here to download the report but key comments from the inspectors include:
- “Pupils enjoy their learning because their classrooms are exciting and inspiring places to be.”
- “Pupils feel exceptionally safe and secure.”
- “Leadership and management, including governance, are outstanding.”
- “Leaders and managers have worked very closely with parents, who are supportive of the academy.”
- “One pupil in Key Stage 2 said, ‘The teacher tells me exactly what it is I’ve got to aim for. Then, I aim for it, and I do it.’”
- “Parents think the academy is a safe and happy place for their children to be. One parent said, ‘It is a privilege for my child to come here. They are safe, happy and love their lessons.’”
- “Disabled pupils and those who have special needs make outstanding progress from their different starting points.”
Miss Kirstie Fulthorpe, Principal of the Academy said:
This was our first full inspection since opening in September 2012 and we are very pleased with the inspectors’ comments. These reflect our ambition to build a family Academy that provides exceptional education for Tottenham children.
This year, the Academy has also won an SSAT Educational Outcomes Award for academic progress. I have written to parents and spoken with children, staff and governors to thank and congratulate them on these achievements.
As we approach the summer holidays, I feel this is a fantastic note for us to end the school year on. Pupils and staff deserve a restful summer break but all of us are looking forward to seeing how much more we can achieve next year.
Sir Dan Moynihan, CEO of the Harris Federation, said:
It is always a complete joy to spend time with the staff and pupils at Harris Primary Academy Philip Lane. You only have to visit for a short while see that it provides exceptional levels of education and care for its pupils.
The Academy has come a long way since opening and we are delighted with the progress it has made in ensuring local children get the quality of primary education they deserve. I have no doubt that the Academy will continue to go from strength to strength.